5 breast-pumping gadgets to save you time and energy

5 breast-pumping gadgets to save you time and energy

May 27 , 2020


Megan McDonough

We started Lilu on a mission to make technology accessible to breastfeeding moms and now, three years later, we’re excited to see that more and more companies are following suit. We’ve rounded up five gadgets that are breast pumping-friendly including one that is completely hands-free (hint, that one is ours)! 

Warming lactation massage pads

Lavie has a few products on the market right now but our personal favorite is their warming lactation pads. The pads combine continued warmth and vibration to improve milk flow, relieve pain and save time. These are great at helping to reduce clogged ducts and pumping time, and to empty milk more effectively. 

It’s super customizable, which is always a must, as a mom’s needs change from one pumping session to the next. There are two heat modes to choose from and you have the option to use it with or without vibration as well as with vibration and no heat. The batteries are rechargeable and easy to toss in your purse. 

Lilu breast pumping bra

Not to toot our own horn, but we’re pretty proud of our first product and think you will be, too. The Lilu Massage Bra gives moms the benefits of breast massage without using their hands. It’s the first hands-free pumping bra and comes with a built-in breast massage to help you pump more milk. 

Life was busy before the baby, and it’s even busier now, so we’re all about helping you multitask while making the most of both your time and energy (breastfeeding uses up 25% of your energy by the way. In comparison, your brain requires 20%). The Lilu Massage Bra seriously cuts down the hours you spend breastfeeding by enabling you to produce more milk every time you pump. 

Breast massager

Haakaa has a breast massager that is a great option for working moms, partly because it is so discreet thanks to a whisper-friendly motor and compact size. Benefits include improved milk flow, increasing the output of milk, relieving engorged and tender breasts, unblocking plugged ducts, and encouraging a faster let-down. It also works to prevent mastitis and other symptoms. Best of all? It’s shaped like an oyster shell and is just as pretty. No wonder it’s waterproof! 


When it comes to sore nipples, we feel your pain. Lacticups® Essentials Breastmilk Collection Cups is a great product for relieving sore nipples from friction, therefore allowing them enough time to heal. It also collects milk leaks instead of wasting it on nursing pads. There are removable plugs to prevent spills on clothing and as they are designed to rest in the lower part of your breast, quite easy to conceal under a light padded bra. 

Breast therapy pack

This 3-in-1 breast therapy gel pack from Lansinoh is a must-try for moms struggling with common breastfeeding challenges (which is most of us)! The cold therapy helps relieve engorgement, while the hot therapy encourages milk let down as well as relieving plugged ducts and mastitis. The breast pump aid is designed to work with a breast pump (hence the name) and will help save you some time breastfeeding. 

Lilu is a Women’s Health company building tech-enabled devices to empower new moms. Our first product, the Lilu Massage Bra, mimics compression massage, so you can empty your breasts fully to establish, increase and maintain your milk supply. Pump up to 50% more milk each session, all while going hands-free.
Lilu Massage Bra with flanges

Lilu Massage Bra

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The Massage Bra Every Mom Needs, Almost Sold Out!

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The Massage Bra Every Mom Needs, Almost Sold Out!

Level up production (30-55%+ increased milk production)
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