With formula supplies continuing to run low, nursing moms are looking to maintain and increase their milk supply. You might be looking to create a stash for future use or simply meet your babies’ nutritional demands. Moms are being encouraged to establish a healthy milk supply and avoid having to supplement which can be really hard to do!
It is important you understand your body - to learn more about establishing and maintaining milk supply and for additional tips on power pumping as well as creating a milk stash…
The lactation massage cushions inside the Lilu Massager + Bra, mimic hands-on compression motions recommended by lactation experts to help you get MORE milk in LESS time.
More Milk In Less Time
A must-have product for nursing mom’s. Backed by lactation experts, our hands-free massage bra will fully empty your breasts while increasing and maintaining your milk supply. Works perfectly with most pumps and provides maximum results.
*Signup at the bottom of the page for a special price of $90.